Pius XII Catholic Elementary School Holds Second Annual Health Fair

Pius XII Catholic Elementary School held it’s second annual Health Fair on February 4, 2010. Approximately 45 second year nursing students from Laurentian University visited the school and held different sessions for the J.K. to Grade 8 students including Winter Safety, Benefits of Physical Activity, Teeth and Oral Hygiene, Handwashing and Bullying. The sessions were in various classrooms throughout the school and the students rotated between presentations. The nursing students are required to do community involvement hours and this Health fair allowed them to fulfill this requirement as well as teach the students about really important health issues. Megan Murphy, Vice-Principal of the school said that the students found the day to be really engaging and educational. “The students expressed excitement about the day.” said Murphy. “They were thrilled to have learned about so many different health issues and couldn’t wait to share their newfound knowledge with their families!’