Pius XII Catholic Elementary School

Pius XII Basketball Free Throw District Champs

The Basketball Free-Throw hosted by Pius XII school and directed by the Knights of Columbus was a huge success. Students competed with other schools in throwing 25 shots to the basketball net. The student who sunk the most baskets was the winner in their age category.

Congratulation to the 3 students from Pius XII school who will proceed to the Regional Levels:

photo 1: Mario Malerba winner for the age 10 boys category
photo 2: Cory Levesque winner for the age 11 boys category
photo 3: Andrew Phillion winner for age 14 boys category

Pius XII Catholic School Students Looking a Little Green

The students of Pius XII Catholic School are keen and green in keeping the planet, the environment and the school clean by undertaking major recycling efforts. “Our students believe the recycling is fun and it means they have to use their imagination in developing their ‘Al the Can Man’ projects,” states the school’s Vice-Principal, Carmela Pitman.

Students decorated a pop can or bottle using recyclable materials. They received certificates and recognition for their efforts in recycling, reducing and reusing.

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