Pius XII Catholic Elementary School

Cardinals Share Their ‘Goodness’ with the Sudbury Food Bank

The line ‘Teach me goodness’ is an integral part of the St. Charles College motto. This week, the students at the school learned about goodness and shared the fruits of their labour.

The secondary school students, coupled with children in the feeder schools canvassed together for the largest school food drive in the city. The goal was to raise 60 000 cans for the Sudbury Food Bank and the Cardinals surpassed that goal with a new all-time total of 125 080 cans. This is the single biggest contribution in history to the Sudbury Food Bank.

The secondary school has hosted a food drive for twenty-seven years. It is supported by students at St. Bernadette, St. Raphael, Pius XII, St. Andrew, St. David and St Paul and St. John.

Sparky the Fire Dog Visits Pius XII

In an effort to increase fire safety both at school and home and to building community partners , Pius XII school’s FDK students welcomed firefighter Mitch Theriault into their classroom. They learned about the importance of having smoke detectors and practicing their fire evacuation plan with their families. Teachers and Educators at Pius XII school understand the importance of repeating this message about fire safety and know that the kindergarteners also enjoyed meeting Sparky, the fire dog!

Fire Prevention Week at Pius XII

Pius XII Full Day Kindergarten students participated in Fire Prevention Week. Samantha Theriault, Early Childhood Educator, says “the students were very excited to learn about fire safety, developing a fire escape plan, and ensuring that smoke alarms are working in home”. The Fire Prevention Week program with the Sudbury Fire Department is a great opportunity for student awareness. Skyler Caron, FDK student, learned “if your clothes catch on fire, you have to stop, drop and roll”. Skyler was honoured to sit in the drivers seat of a fire truck.

World Smile Day Celebrated at Pius XII

Students at Pius XII school celebrated World Smile Day on October 5th, 2012. On this day, people are called around the world to be thoughtful of others and use the power of a smile and a kind act to make a small difference in the world we live in. At Pius XII school, the hallways and classrooms were filled with smiles and ‘Caught in the Act of Kindness’.

Thanksgiving at Pius XII

Pius XII, Grade 1 students celebrated and learned about Thanksgiving as classroom teacher, Judy Bowes, taught the students about the importance of giving thanks, not just on Thanksgiving holiday, but on everyday. The students celebrated beginning with a procession, displaying artwork and dancing the ‘Circle of Friends’. Prior to celebrating with a healthy feast of cheese, crackers, fruit and vegetables, students expressed prayers of thanks – especially Mrs. Bowes for “letting us have a fun time celebrating Thanksgiving”.

World Teacher Day

Pius XII Catholic Elementary School Grade 2 student, Paige Del Pivo, wants to be a teacher when she grows up because “I get to read lots of books and I get to sit at the desk and check work to see if it is right or not”. October 5th is World Teacher Day and she told her teacher, Jennifer Lillie, that she is “the best teacher!”. We wish Paige all the best with her dreams to be a teacher when she grows up.

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