Pius XII Catholic Elementary School

Pius XII Catholic Elementary School’s Early Learners Celebrate Family Literacy Day

Students from Pius XII Elementary Catholic School’s J.K. and S.K. classes, as well as children from the Maple Tree Preschool and the Minnow Lake Best Start Hub were invited to celebrate Family Literacy Day in the school’s library on January 19, 2010. Aboriginal Artist and Storyteller William Morin engaged the children in animated stories and had them participate using actions and costumes. Parents were also invited to be a part of the celebration. After the story, the students went back to the classroom and made their own masks inspired by the day.

Early Learning Kindergarten Program Open House at Pius XII

Louisa Bianchin, Principal of Pius XII Catholic School welcomed parents and families to the school’s “Open House and Kindergarten Registration Night.” Mrs. Bianchin was especially pleased to announce that Pius XII was one of three schools selected by the Sudbury Catholic District School Board to offer the “Early Learning Kindergarten Program” or ELKP as it is more commonly referred to. “I am very excited about the new full day Early Learning Kindergarten Program at Pius XII Catholic School,” stated Bianchin. “The Early Learning program offers the teacher and the early childhood educator the opportunity to team plan and teach. Together, they will provide a play-based program which will focus on the development of the “whole” child. Recent studies have shown that all children learn best through active involvement and play. I look forward to working with the kindergarten team and parents as we begin the development and implementation of a stimulating full day Early Learning Kindergarten program.”

SCDSB Celebrates Grand Opening of Best Start Hub at Pius XII Catholic School

Children and families, child care agencies along with community and school staff joined Sudbury Catholic District School Board Trustees and Senior Administration and Board staff in celebrating the grand opening of the City of Greater Sudbury’s Best Start Hubs at an Open House held at Pius XII Catholic School recently.

The Best Start Program referred to as “Hubs” is a one-stop centre for families, bringing together kindergarten, childcare, parent-child programs, parenting supports and a wide range of specialized services. The Hubs are located in schools or other locations that are closely linked to schools. Best Start is an initiative of the Provincial Government but is directed at the local level by a Best Start Network which is made up of representatives from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, the City of Greater Sudbury, all four school boards, and the child care, family support, health and specialized children’s services sectors.
The Best Start Hubs incorporate services for families such as kindergarten, childcare and family supports, tot playgrounds, workshops for parents, dad and baby night as well as access to other services. Over time, more services such as selected Preschool Speech and Language and Health Services will be offered in the hubs. The goal of the Best Start Hub is to integrate all of these services so that they are all working together and providing families with seamless services.

The Pius XII Catholic School, Best Start Hub is one of twelve hubs located in the City of Greater Sudbury and surrounding area dedicated to serving the needs of children and families in the Minnow Lake and New Sudbury community.

Parents will also have the opportunity to become involved with Best Start Hubs as they develop and expand their programs. Advisory groups, made up of a minimum of 40 percent parents will decide how the Hubs will run, hours of operation, and the types of programs the Hub will be offering. Parents who wish to involved in the planning for Best Start at a broader level may put their name forward to sit on a Best Start Network as a parent representative or join a group of parents who meet occasionally to provide advice and input to the Best Start network on specific issues related to overall planning of Best Start.

For more information on Best Start Hubs, please call 311 to find a Best Start near you!

Home Depot Staff Help Kick Off Pius XII Catholic School Yard Transformation

Staff from Home Depot will be helping to kick of the Pius XII school yard transformation on Wednesday, May 9 between 9:00 a.m. and
3:00 p.m at the school.

As part of their Earth Day Community Project, thirteen Home Depot staff will be planting trees, making picnic tables and clearing out the bush area for a nature trail behind the school.

Pius XII Catholic School Participates in ‘Mining Rocks’ Race

The Grade 2 and 3 students at Pius XII Catholic School participated in the ‘Sudbury Rocks Race’ in downtown Sudbury on Sunday, May 6, 2007. The one kilometre race started at the YMCA on Durham Street. The children ran down Durham to Beech Street around the corner to Elgin and back up Elgin Street to the YMCA.

The students at Pius XII Catholic school trained hard for more than a month for the race with representatives from the Running Room and have completed the Kids Fit fitness tests. The students’ fitness scores improved so remarkably that the Running Room suggested that the students enter the Sudbury Rocks Race which is also the qualifier for the Boston Marathon.

Proceeds from the race went to the Diabetes Foundation.

Pius XII Basketball Free Throw District Champs

The Basketball Free-Throw hosted by Pius XII school and directed by the Knights of Columbus was a huge success. Students competed with other schools in throwing 25 shots to the basketball net. The student who sunk the most baskets was the winner in their age category.

Congratulation to the 3 students from Pius XII school who will proceed to the Regional Levels:

photo 1: Mario Malerba winner for the age 10 boys category
photo 2: Cory Levesque winner for the age 11 boys category
photo 3: Andrew Phillion winner for age 14 boys category

Pius XII Student, Fire Chief For The Day!

Congratulations to Emily Rabski, a Grade 4 student at Pius XII Catholic School for her first place finish in the Fire Chief For The Day Contest. As part of the winning package, Emily was picked up at her house by fire trucks, Aerial 1 and Pump 2 and transported to the
Van Horne Fire Station where she received a tour and proclaimed Chief For The Day!

Emily was later escorted back to the school by the Acting Fire Chief, Marc Leduc for the official Chief For The Day presentation in her classroom. The City of Greater Sudbury Fire Services also participated in a special ceremony honouring her as the first place winner of the 2006 Fire Chief For The Day Contest.

The Fire Chief For The Day Contest was open to all grade four students from the four school boards in the City of Greater Sudbury. Students were invited to participate in creating an escape plan of their home with the help of family members. In order to qualify to win, a contestant had to:

1. Indicate two ways out of each room
2. Identify the location of their smoke detectors
3. Indicate the meeting point outside of the home
4. Identify the emergency phone number
5. Complete and practice the Fire Safety Plan of him/her home

A total of 1,869 students from all four school boards were invited to participate in the Fire Chief For The Day Contest. This activity focused on ensuring that every family developed and practiced a home escape plan would help to save their lives in the event of a fire.

Pius XII Catholic School Presents “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”

Pius XII Catholic School Drama Club presents Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the school, 44 Third Avenue, Sudbury on Tuesday, June 6 at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, June 7 at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 8 at 9:30 a.m. and Friday, June 9 at 9:30 a.m. Admission is $2.00 for students and $5.00 for adults.

Willy Wonka, The eccentric chocolate maker, is opening his doors to the public. Five young lucky golden ticket finders are the winners of the private tour of the factory. It’s a dream come true when Charlie Bucket is the finder of the 5th Golden Ticket. The next day, Charlie along with the other winners, Augustus, Veruca, Violet and Mike step into the factory and discover that the many wondrous and mysterious rumours are true. For Charlie’s life will never be the same.

For more information, please call Louisa Bianchin, Principal, Pius XII Catholic School at ph. 566-6080.

Pius XII Catholic School Adopts Lung Association’s Laps for Lungs Health Promotion & Fundraising Program

The Lung Association is pleased to announce Laps for Lungs. It is a fun filled activity that combines fundraising and health promotion that directly benefits children living with asthma and our school.

The Lung Association is a registered charity that funds respiratory research, promotes better management of asthma, helps those with chronic lung disease, promotes a tobacco-free society and addresses the effects of air quality on lung health.

Laps for Lungs is and activity where students, while supervised, are asked to walk or run around a marked track or gymnasium until they are short of breath. All students will be given a small bottle of bubbles to blow. When the students blow these bubbles after completing the activity, it will help them to understand what a person feels when they have an asthma episode. Education and awareness will allow children with asthma and their parents to better understand this disease and feel supported within the school environment.

Visit www.on.lung.ca/events/laps4lungs.html for more information.

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