Pius XII Catholic Elementary School

Aboriginal Dancing and Drumming at Pius

Pius XII students, staff and families from Minnow Lake Best Start and Maple Tree Preschool participated in their first Aboriginal Dance and Drum workshop on Tuesday, March 23rd in the Pius XII School gym. Fancy shawl and jingle dancers, Rosemarie Erb, Tracy Recollet, Chelsea Recollet and Kiana Manitowabi, wore their beautiful regalia and danced to the beat of the drummers. A special prairie chicken dance was performed by Hayden Shears-Recollet. The lead drummers, DJ MacGregor and Brad Robinson, were accompanied by four student drummers, Dawson Baptiste, Joey Manitowabi, Karaka Osawamick and Isaiah Hunt from the Native Studies class at St. Charles College. All together at the big drum, they aligned their drum beat with the heart beat of mother earth. Students had the opportunity to dance with the dancers to the beautiful songs of life. After the dancing and drumming in the gym, dancers visited the JK , SK and Minnow Lake Best Start classes and created their own paper doll regalia with sparkles, beads, feathers and jingles.

Pius XII Catholic Elementary School’s Early Learners Celebrate Family Literacy Day

Students from Pius XII Elementary Catholic School’s J.K. and S.K. classes, as well as children from the Maple Tree Preschool and the Minnow Lake Best Start Hub were invited to celebrate Family Literacy Day in the school’s library on January 19, 2010. Aboriginal Artist and Storyteller William Morin engaged the children in animated stories and had them participate using actions and costumes. Parents were also invited to be a part of the celebration. After the story, the students went back to the classroom and made their own masks inspired by the day.

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