Pius XII Catholic Elementary School

Pius XII Basketball Free Throw District Champs

The Basketball Free-Throw hosted by Pius XII school and directed by the Knights of Columbus was a huge success. Students competed with other schools in throwing 25 shots to the basketball net. The student who sunk the most baskets was the winner in their age category.

Congratulation to the 3 students from Pius XII school who will proceed to the Regional Levels:

photo 1: Mario Malerba winner for the age 10 boys category
photo 2: Cory Levesque winner for the age 11 boys category
photo 3: Andrew Phillion winner for age 14 boys category

Pius XII Catholic School Students Looking a Little Green

The students of Pius XII Catholic School are keen and green in keeping the planet, the environment and the school clean by undertaking major recycling efforts. “Our students believe the recycling is fun and it means they have to use their imagination in developing their ‘Al the Can Man’ projects,” states the school’s Vice-Principal, Carmela Pitman.

Students decorated a pop can or bottle using recyclable materials. They received certificates and recognition for their efforts in recycling, reducing and reusing.

Pius XII Catholic School Students Fit for the Challenge

Pius XII Catholic School is the winner of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s 2005-2006 Fitness Challenge. The goal of the program is to lower the resting and exercise heart rates of the Board’s students over the course of the school year.

Staff and students in the Junior Division participated in this program under the supervision of Mr. John Tarini, Coordinator of the Fitness Challenge for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. The heart rates were measured three times during the 2005-2006 school year.

Students from Pius XII Catholic School received a plaque and a small token of appreciation from Sudbury Catholic District School Board’s Chairperson, Mrs. Paula Peroni during a recent board meeting for winning the Fitness Challenge.

Pius XII Catholic School Hosts Mock Election

Students at Pius XII Catholic School will have the opportunity to meet Mayor Dave Courtemanche and Mr. John Rodriguez at the school on November 7, 2006 when both gentlemen visit the school as part of the Student Vote Program. Mayor Courtemanche will speak to the students at 10:30 a.m. followed by Mr. John Rodriguez who will address the student body at 1:00 p.m.

Pius XII students have been preparing for the “Mock election” by reading and following up on media coverage of the municipal election. The politicians will come to life for the students when they are able to meet them and ask questions in regards to health, education and the environment.

Mock ballots have been created by the school and voting will take place in the library. For more information, please contact Carmela Pitman, Vice-Principal, Pius XII Catholic School, ph. 566-6080.

Pius XII Student, Fire Chief For The Day!

Congratulations to Emily Rabski, a Grade 4 student at Pius XII Catholic School for her first place finish in the Fire Chief For The Day Contest. As part of the winning package, Emily was picked up at her house by fire trucks, Aerial 1 and Pump 2 and transported to the
Van Horne Fire Station where she received a tour and proclaimed Chief For The Day!

Emily was later escorted back to the school by the Acting Fire Chief, Marc Leduc for the official Chief For The Day presentation in her classroom. The City of Greater Sudbury Fire Services also participated in a special ceremony honouring her as the first place winner of the 2006 Fire Chief For The Day Contest.

The Fire Chief For The Day Contest was open to all grade four students from the four school boards in the City of Greater Sudbury. Students were invited to participate in creating an escape plan of their home with the help of family members. In order to qualify to win, a contestant had to:

1. Indicate two ways out of each room
2. Identify the location of their smoke detectors
3. Indicate the meeting point outside of the home
4. Identify the emergency phone number
5. Complete and practice the Fire Safety Plan of him/her home

A total of 1,869 students from all four school boards were invited to participate in the Fire Chief For The Day Contest. This activity focused on ensuring that every family developed and practiced a home escape plan would help to save their lives in the event of a fire.

Pius XII Catholic School Presents “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”

Pius XII Catholic School Drama Club presents Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the school, 44 Third Avenue, Sudbury on Tuesday, June 6 at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, June 7 at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 8 at 9:30 a.m. and Friday, June 9 at 9:30 a.m. Admission is $2.00 for students and $5.00 for adults.

Willy Wonka, The eccentric chocolate maker, is opening his doors to the public. Five young lucky golden ticket finders are the winners of the private tour of the factory. It’s a dream come true when Charlie Bucket is the finder of the 5th Golden Ticket. The next day, Charlie along with the other winners, Augustus, Veruca, Violet and Mike step into the factory and discover that the many wondrous and mysterious rumours are true. For Charlie’s life will never be the same.

For more information, please call Louisa Bianchin, Principal, Pius XII Catholic School at ph. 566-6080.

Penguins Spotted at Pius XII Catholic School

It’s official! Pius XII Catholic students are now the PIUS PENGUINS. After many years of attempting to discover their identity, they have finally established it!

The FIRST EVER LOGO to be painted on the gym wall says it all!
As the students enter the gym for their daily physical activities, sports events and assemblies, they are faced with a beautiful, huge logo made up of a family of Penguins that covers the freshly painted gym wall. Watching over the family of Penguins is a symbol of their Catholic faith, the White dove, which represents peace and tranquillity for the Pius Penguin students and staff.

This message of peace and harmony embodies the motto that students, teachers, and staff live by each and every day.

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